Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Global Salmon Study Shows 'Sustainable' Food May Not Be So Sustainable

From: Science Daily

Popular thinking about how to improve food systems for the better often misses the point, according to the results of a three-year global study of salmon production systems. Rather than pushing for organic or land-based production, or worrying about simple metrics such as "food miles," the study finds that the world can achieve greater environmental benefits by focusing on improvements to key aspects of production and distribution.
For example, what farmed salmon are fed, how wild salmon are caught and the choice to buy frozen over fresh matters more than organic vs. conventional or wild vs. farmed when considering global scale environmental impacts such as climate change, ozone depletion, loss of critical habitat, and ocean acidification.
he study is the world's first comprehensive global-scale look at a major food commodity from a full life cycle perspective, and the researchers examined everything -- how salmon are caught in the wild, what they're fed when farmed, how they're transported, how they're consumed, and how all of this contributes to both environmental degradation and socioeconomic benefits.
Article continues:

Stephen Hawking's Call to Escape Earth

This is all good fun and it is stating the obvious.  However, we have plenty of good options.  As developed in this blog, simply terraforming Earth will make it full habitable for a population base well over fifty billion while sustaining a bio-rich ecology.  Our biggest stretch will be to deploy the Eden machine.

Then there is the little matter of Venus, nicely prepositioned for been terraformed by our selves.  It is merely a matter of diverting plenty of comets into the planet.  Once we have the MEV (magnetic exclusion vessel) available for space travel this will be straight forward engineering and may well have been fully underway for the past ten millennia.

After that we get to build space habitats that are a good mile across and are spun up to provide artificial gravity.   Any one perhaps can be designed to hold and support a 100 million in population in complete comfort. Ten thousand of those in the asteroid belt would still be lost and invisible to our scopes with minimum effort.

The point I am making is that we can place fifty billion on Earth, fifty billion of Venus and a hundred times that out in the Asteroid Belt long before we have to think about other stars.

The only thing technically needed yet is the MEV.  We have the know how to do it all now.  The MEV will take perhaps another twenty years or less.  I have already described the tech and the key benchmarks in earlier articles and posts.

 Stephen Hawking's Warning: Abandon Earth—Or Face Extinction
Andrew Dermont on August 6, 2010, 12:00 AM

Let's face it: The planet is heating up, Earth's population is expanding at an exponential rate, and the the natural resources vital to our survival are running out faster than we can replace them with sustainable alternatives. Even if the human race manages not to push itself to the brink of nuclear extinction, it is still a foregone conclusion that our aging sun will expand and swallow the Earth in roughly 7.6 billion years.
So, according to famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, it's time to free ourselves from Mother Earth. "I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be in space," Hawking tells Big Think. "It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million. The human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one basket, or on one planet. Let's hope we can avoid dropping the basket until we have spread the load."

Hawking says he is an optimist, but his outlook for the future of man's existence is fairly bleak. In the recent past, humankind's survival has been nothing short of "a question of touch and go" he says, citing the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1963 as just one example of how man has narrowly escaped extinction. According to the Federation of American Scientiststhere are still about 22,600 stockpiled nuclear weapons scattered around the planet, 7,770 of which are still operational. In light of the inability of nuclear states to commit to a global nuclear non-proliferation treaty, the threat of a nuclear holocaust has not subsided. 

In fact, "the frequency of such occasions is likely to increase in the future," says Hawking, "We shall need great care and judgment to negotiate them all successfully." 

Even if humans manage to avoid a nuclear stand-off over the next thousand years, our fate on this planet is still pretty much certain. University of Sussex astrophysicist Dr. Robert Smith says eventually the aging Sun will accelerate global warming to a point where all of Earth's water will simply evaporate.

"Life on Earth will have disappeared long before 7.6 billion years," says Smith, "Scientists have shown that the Sun's slow expansion will cause the temperature at the surface of the Earth to rise. Oceans will evaporate, and the atmosphere will become laden with water vapor, which (like carbon dioxide) is a very effective greenhouse gas. Eventually, the oceans will boil dry and the water vapor will escape into space. In a billion years from now the Earth will be a very hot, dry and uninhabitable ball."

Finally, between the next thousand years or so that Hawking says it will take man to make the planet uninhabitable and the billion years it will take for the sun to turn our planet into an arid wasteland, there is always the chance that a nearby supernovaan asteroid, or aquick and painless black hole could do us in. 

One way or another, the life on Earth will likely become uninhabitable for mankind in the future. We need to start seriously thinking about how we will free ourselves from the constraints of this dying planet.   

Why We Should Reject This Idea

Despite what Hawking describes as humankind's "selfish and aggressive instinct," there may be some biological impediments to finding another planet to inhabit.

"The nearest star [to Earth] is Proxima Centauri which is 4.2 light years away," saysUniversity of Michigan astrophysicist Katherine Freese, "That means that, if you were traveling at the speed of light the whole time, it would take 4.2 years to get there."

Unfortunately, at the moment we can only travel at about ten thousandth of light speed, which means if man were to use chemical fuel rockets similar to the those used during the Apollo mission to the moon, the journey would take about 50,000 years. Without the use of a science-fiction-like warp drive or cryogenic freezing technology, no human would live long enough to survive the journey. In addition, "the radiation you would encounter alone would kill you, even if you could get a rocket to go anywhere near that fast," says Freese.

On the upside, if man ever develops the technology to travel at the speed of light while remaining shielded from cosmic radiation, he could effectively travel into the future. "A five year trip at light speed could push an astronaut forward by 1000 earth years," says Freese, "If he wanted to see if any humans were still around by then."

Air Strike on Iran Nuclear Assets Possible Now

When I posted two or three weeks ago that an American supported Israeli air strike was possibly eminent because the necessary assets had moved in place, I still lacked the reason as to why just now.  This tells us why it will happen now.  Assume Russia will arrange to be standing by for this one and to also be in the know.  They may be selling a reactor, but they want a nuclear weapon in these fool’s hands no more than we do.  Think of the rich targets for Islam in Russia.

A surgical strike is likely to happen this week.  The purpose will be to smash up the reactor itself.  The only interesting question is how the Iranian air force will be neutralized while the attack goes in, particularly if they wish to have a back up wave.  I assume the US will not be visible.

Iran’s reaction will be of serious interest.  The most damaging thing that they could do in the short term is to suspend oil shipments to the extent that they can.  This could precipitate a jump in oil prices to the $150 mark and generate a sharp decline in stock prices.  That though should be the most effect their actions may have.

In the medium term, regime control of the population will likely spiral out of control because the population will immediately blame the regime for bringing this attack on to themselves.  Discontent is also likely to become visible in the armed forces because of the regime’s reckless behavior and proven futility.  In short, the regime will be destabilized.

Beyond what we have just described, they have no creditable response.

I note from this map that the reactor is on the Persian Gulf itself.    Any attack seems way more difficult and may target the secondary assets instead.  In the event, we have reached a decision point.

John Bolton: Russia's Loading of Nuke Fuel Into Iran Plant Means Aug. 21 Deadline for Israeli Attack

Friday, 13 Aug 2010 01:41 PM
By: David A. Patten

News that Russia will load nuclear fuel rods into an Iranian reactor has touched off a countdown to a point of no return, a deadline by which Israel would have to launch an attack on Iran's Bushehr reactor before it becomes effectively "immune" to any assault, says former Bush administration U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton. 

Once the fuel rods are loaded, Bolton told Fox News on Friday afternoon, "it makes it essentially immune from attack by Israel. Because once the rods are in the reactor an attack on the reactor risks spreading radiation in the air, and perhaps into the water of the Persian Gulf." 

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin declared in March that Russia would start the Bushehr reactor this summer. But the announcement from a spokesman for Russia's state atomic agency to Reuters Friday sent international diplomats scrambling to head off a crisis. 

The story immediately became front-page news in Israel, which has laid precise plans to carry out an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities while going along with President Obama's plans to use international sanctions and diplomatic persuasion to convince Iran's clerics not to go nuclear. 

Bolton made it clear that it is widely assumed that any Israeli attack on the Bushehr reactor must take place before the reactor is loaded with fuel rods.

"If they're going to do it that's the window that they have," Bolton declared. "Otherwise as I said before, once the rods are in the reactor, if you attack the reactor you're going to open it up and radiation will escape at least into the atmosphere and possibly into the waters of the Persian Gulf.

"So most people think that neither Israel nor the United States, come to that, would attack the reactor after it's been fueled."

Bolton cited the 1981 Israeli attack on Saddam Hussein's Osirak reactor outside Baghdad and the September 2007 Israeli attack on a North Korean reactor being built in Syria. Both of those strikes came before fuel rods were loaded into those reactors.

"So if it's going to happen in Bushehr it has to happen before the fuel rods go in," Bolton said. 

The conversation that touched off the de facto deadline for Israeli military action was a telephone conversation with wire services involving Sergei Novikov, a spokesman for Rosatom, the Russian Energy State Nuclear Corp. 

Novikov said: "The fuel will be loaded on Aug 21. This is the start of the physical launch” of the reactor.

"From that moment the Bushehr plant will be officially considered a nuclear-energy installation," Novikov said, adding that the head of Rosatom, Sergei Kiriyenko, will visit Bushehr Aug. 21 to conduct a ceremony for the event.
According to Bolton, once the reactor is operational, it is only a matter of time before it begins producing plutonium that could be used in a nuclear weapon.

"And in the normal operation of this reactor, in just a fairly short period of time, you could get substantial amounts of plutonium to use as nuclear weapons," Bolton told Fox. 

Russia, which is operating under a $1 billion contract with Iran, has spent more than a decade building the reactor. If Russia moves forward with its plan to fuel the reactor, it could be seen as a major setback to the Obama administration's strategy of engaging Russian leaders in order to win their cooperation.

"The U.S. urged them not to send the Iranian's fuel rods," Bolton said. "They did that. The Obama administration has urged them not to insert the fuel rods in the reactors, but as they've just announced that will begin next week. What that does over time is help Iran get another route to nuclear weapons through the plutonium they could reprocess out of the spent fuel rods."

The developments mean Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu soon may face a stark choice: Attack the Bushehr reactor in the next 8 days, or allow it to become operational despite the certainty it would greatly enhance Iran's ability to create nuclear weapons. 

Russian leaders have said the Bushehr reactor project is being closely monitored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN's nuclear watchdog group. According to Iran's ISNA news agency, IAEA inspectors will be on hand to observe the fuel-rod loading process that is now scheduled to begin Aug. 21. 

According to Russian officials, Iran has promised in writing to send all spent fuel rods from Bushehr back to Russia for reprocessing, to ensure they cannot be used for nuclear weapons.

Bolton said the reactor has been "a hole" in American foreign policy for over a decade.

The failure to demand it be shut down began in the Bush years, he said, and continues with the Obama administration "under what I believe is the mistaken theory that Iran is entitled to the peaceful use of nuclear energy."

"I don't think Iran is entitled to that, or I don't think we ought to allow it to happen, because they're manifestly violating any number of obligations under the non-proliferation treaty not to seek nuclear weapons. But this has been a hole in American policy for some number of years, and Iran and Russia are obviously exploiting it," Bolton said.

Russia’s move would put Iran "in a much better position overall," he said, adding, "I think this is a very delicate point, as I say, it closes off to the Israelis one possible target for pre-emptive military action.

U.N. sanctions against Iran, he said, "have not had and will not have any material effect on Iran's push to have deliverable nuclear weapons."

Warning on global warming the gullible

It is not surprising that with all the talk about global warming (GW), which we
was only one of its coldest winter we have had for a long time? Of 2007
Farmers' Almanac, which provides forecasts are accurate to 85%
cold temperatures, up to 20 degrees below seasonal norms (and
almost 40 degrees colder than last winter), in Montana, the Dakotas and parts of Wyoming. For the Gulf Coast through New England,
unusually cold shower, "the conditions are to be expected. Snow,
much of it is also for the belly of the nation, part of the new forecast
England and the mountains of the northwestern Pacific. "The Great Lakes
and Ohio River Valley is the only area to be spared the extreme cold,
Shows Sandi Duncan, editor in chief, "but that does not mean that this area
not without significant snowfall and cold periods. "

Wonder why they did not get the message!

Recently we had a 11-year-old who literally in tears
to discuss progress for the GW fear in the school. The
Child argues that "If the world ends, why worry about something
but sat with my family? "

Any natural disaster takes place these days, the GW is due.
Many world leaders to accept as GW, the truth of the Gospel. A recent survey
showed that 33% of Americans see GW as a real threat to our
exist. TV shows such as Discovery "Planet Earth" are strong,
large pieces of propaganda for the agenda of GW.

A question of faith

Recently read news item: "Global Warming is not on human health
Contribution of carbon dioxide. "Dr. Tim Ball is the Chairman of the
Natural Resources Stewardship Project, a Victoria-based
Environmental consultant and former professor of climatology at the
University of Winnipeg. 02/05/2007 In an article entitled "Global
Warming: The cold, hard facts? "Ball writes:" Global Warming, as
We think we do not know. And I'm not alone in trying to
to open our eyes to the truth ... see only a few listen, despite the fact
the fact that I am one of the first Canadian Ph.Ds. was in the climatology and
I have extensive experience in climatology, especially the
Reconstruction of past climate and the effects of climate change on
human history and human existence. to hear soon, even if I
a Ph.D. (Doctor of Science), University of London, England
and was a professor of climatology at the University of Winnipeg. For
For some reason (actually for many), not the world is listening. Here is

"... What happen, if we'd been told tomorrow that the earth is flat?

It was probably the most important news in the media
and it would be much discussed. So why is it that when scientists
Who said studying the phenomenon of global warming for years
People are not the cause nobody listens?

"Believe it or not, global warming is not due to human contribution
Carbon dioxide (CO2). In fact, this is the greatest deception in the
History of science. We waste time, energy and trillions of dollars
Creating fear and terror for a problem with
no scientific justification. For example, Environment Canada
about 3.7 billion dollars in U.S. spending in the last five years dealing with climate
almost all on propaganda trying to defend, change an indefensible
scientific position while at the same time closing weather stations
and not achieving the objectives of pollution established by law.

"... To seek the truth, we are lost as individuals and as
Society ... There is no evidence that we are, or ever cause global
Climate change ... How has the world to believe that something
is wrong?

"Perhaps for the same reason we believed 30 years ago, and the world
Cooling was the biggest threat: a matter of faith. "It's a cold fact: the
Global Cooling presents humankind with the most important social
political, and the challenge of adjustment that we have employs ten
thousand years. Their participation in decisions that we on
is extremely important for the survival of ourselves, our children, our
Species, "wrote Lowell Ponte in 1976.

"I was against the threat of impending doom global cooling
Because when I look at the threats to global warming ... Are
to deny the phenomenon has occurred. The world has warmed
Since 1680, the nadir of a cool period called the Little Ice Age that
usually continue until the present. These climatic changes are well
within the natural variability and explained quite easily by changes
Sun, but it's nothing special happened. "

Truth Or ... something else?

GW is a fact? Yes indeed. As Dr. Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director
the United Nations Environment Programme, said: "Always
more people around the world are aware that there is climate change.
No one is in doubt. "

But do not buy, any advice from Hollywood "scientists" is generated
such as Alec Baldwin, Leonardo, Tom Hanks, Will Farrell movies like
"The Day After Tomorrow". They took offered by Bate
All ex-Veep-time favorite movie maker and Al Gore
Global warming crusade. More about him coming (be warned).

GW is our fault? No, it is not. Although the European Parliament
called for trade sanctions against the United States if it agrees with
to reduce CO2 emissions, the scientists always talk
For those who say mankind is to blame. Pat climatologist
Michaels of the Cato Institute, said: "Climate change, but hey ...
the climate in the past without people changed with some
to do ... "

When we embrace what environmentalists say, we all believe
Polar ice caps melt and America's coasts will be flooded
shortly. Do not start building an ark yet. When you consider that the North
Pole is a huge block of ice floating in the ocean, because it melts at Summer's
End, this does not mean sea level. Antarctica is the largest ice
the mass of the planet. Experts say that losing the ice.

The temperature of our planet, ranging from a minimum
Invention of the thermometer. They say it was warmer 1000 years ago
If this is the case, but has started cooling. Colonial America was taken over
the last days of the Little Ice Age, some of the deepest snow
and the coldest temperature recorded in the history of North America. Remember
Valley Forge? Jefferson wrote about life in this climate queue
to change. In his book "Notes on Virginia," he wrote, "the snow
used to lie on the ground for months at a time, so now not only
Weeks or days ... "

It was not until 1800. 1816 known as the "year without summer."
Today, some climatologists are worried about other Ice Age
global warming. CBN News reported that "experts
stifled by a worldwide movement to make global warming
Skeptics as evil, even comparing with people, to deny the existence
Holocaust. "

CBN continues: "At least part of the hatred of the left parties in Europe
George Bush is his refusal to the Kyoto Protocol (KP) to sign
Agreement between the industrialized nations to lower carbon dioxide
Emissions as a way to combat global warming. But not all
President Bush's fault - under President Clinton, killed the Senate
Treaty 95 to nothing. But at the 2005 G-8 summit in Scotland, United Kingdom
Prime Minister Tony Blair has called on U.S. President Bush to finally join the
to combat global warming.

Although it was signed symbolically, Bush declared, "America's
should embrace restraint with a bad contract does not read our
Friends and allies as any abdication of responsibility. In contrast,
My government is to provide a leadership role in the question of the committed
Climate change ... Our approach must be consistent with the long-term
Objective of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. "

It has been said that the reason that the U.S. has not ratified, the agreement is that
In contrast to Europe, we recognize that the Kyoto Protocol to do nothing
measurable global warming. In other words: "G. Dubya 'is not
decreased for the entire GW. According to one estimate, would be a
Difference of only seven hundredths of a degree Celsius, according to a
50 years - an amount too small to measure. The European response
seems to be doing, "At least something!"

Yes, they do something. The Bush Administration
Perspective, they are wasting money that you can use it to invest in
Future technologies, throws himself on solar energy and windmills. This
noted that the biggest proponents of the framework in developed countries
World have the worst economy, most with unemployment in double digits
(The United States is only 4.4%, by the way). Critics say the signing of the Kyoto
Year would take billions of our gross domestic product. New
Technology will replace fossil fuels, unless
Cripple their economies first concepts such as the Kyoto Protocol.

CBN relations, Stephen Milloy, who runs, says
Companies to pressure from environmental activists yielding.
He said: "Global warming pushers go to companies
As a management company to support both the Kyoto Protocol or other
GW provisions. Finally, the development of sufficient political
support companies that start businesses, bold
GW lobbying for restrictions in the U.S. "

An absurd TRICK

"Scientists have an independent obligation to respect and submit
Truth as they see it, "Al Gore calls his film" An Inconvenient Truth. "
Verissimo asks Al to them: "What do world climate experts actually
Thoughts about the science of the film? "

Professor Bob Carter Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James
Cook University, says: "indirect Gore's arguments are so weak
are pathetic. It is simply incredible that they, and his film,
Commander of the public attention. "

Carter is to be sure what part of the Gore-sites like small paintings
"Climate change skeptics" who do not agree with the majority
Scientists. "Y'think? In fact, according to Tom Harris, Executive
Natural Resources Stewardship Project Director, is a Carter
Hundreds of highly qualified non-governmental, non-industry, non-lobby
Group climate experts who are against the hypothesis that human emissions
CO2 climate change causing significant overall. By
Harris, "Climate experts" is the operative word here. Why? "Why
What Gore's "majority of scientists" think is immaterial when only a
very small fraction of them actually work in the field of climate change. "

While scientists focus their research on global change everything
Polar bears on Poison Ivy, which are not all as climate
Experts change.

Carter writes: "We used to hear most scientists, the real data
try to understand what nature actually tell us something about the causes and
Extent of global climate change. In this relatively small community,
There is no consensus, regardless of what Gore and others suggest. "
He gives an example of the debate we almost never GW

Carleton University paleoclimatologist Professor Tim Patterson - "There is
is no significant correlation between CO2 and global temperature
About this [time] geology. In fact, when CO2 levels were over ten
times higher than they are now, about 450 million years ago, the planet
was in the bottom of the absolute coldest period in the second half billion
Years ... How can you still believe that the recent relatively small
increased CO2 emissions would be the main cause of the last century
modest warming? "

"Patterson concluded his testimony by explaining what his research and
"Hundreds of other studies show: on all time scales, it is very good
Correlation between the Earth's temperature and natural celestial phenomena
such as changes in the brightness of the sun ... Antarctica has survived
warm and cold events over millions of years. A merger is not easy
a realistic scenario in the near future, "said Carter.

Gore says in the film, since 1970 there was a steep
drop-off in the quantity and the size and thickness of Arctic ice cap. "
This is misleading, according to Ball: "The survey that Gore cites was
a transect of the Arctic basin in the month
In October 1960, when we were in the middle of the cooling system
Period. In the year 1990 is done in the warmer months of September,
with a completely different technology. "

A document in 2003 from the University of Alaska professor Igor published
Polyakov shows that the Arctic, where temperature increases
supposedly endangering polar bears showed fluctuations since 1940 but
no global warming.

Dr. Wibjorn Karlen, emeritus professor, Department of Physical Geography
And Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, Sweden - "For a number of
published documents is a decline in the last 50 years "

Carter added: "What Gore's view of the world
Warming ... In addition to the northwest in the areas of the mass cooling
Cooling are in North and South Pacific, all of
Valley of the Amazon, on the north coast of South America and the Caribbean;
Eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea, Caucasus and Red Sea, New
New Zealand and even the Ganges Valley in India. ... "

"Gore's point that 200 cities and towns in the American West all the time to
High temperature records is also misleading, "says Carter.
Dr. Roy Spencer, Principal Research Scientist at the University of
Huntsville, Alabama - "There are for some locations, the unusual
Thousands of towns and villages in the United States, has broken all records, "said
says. "The facts also show that the temperatures in the past
U.S. were not unusual. "

Carter added: "He [Gore] is an embarrassment to U.S. science and its
many good doctors, many of whom know (but I do not feel
publicly) that his propaganda crusade is mainly due to junk science. "
How is this criticism? Hollywood, the film has an Oscar
Best Documentary - that speaks volumes to me - and Gore
was nominated for the Nobel Prize in October for its wide
efforts to attract the attention of the world to the dangers of global warming.

Deception is everywhere at all times.

As others have said, follow the money and those who
Cult to find out what really happened. Or Gore
Concept of "carbon offsets, which it would be the richest man in town
(By the way, he has made a firm * credits to buy
to help us in all our carbon footprint - a concept to reduce
to pay, make sure that we are used to license fees for the use of fossil fuels), or a proposal
CO2 tax would not solve a problem to reduce emissions
also shown that there is someone who elbows her money machine
This disaster required.

* The supplier offset invested his money in planting trees and projects
similar projects, the position of the environmental impact assessment under
Their emissions - cars, commercial air transport. One-off by an acquired
Non-profit organization for the conservation of the forest in the northwest, or carry
could with the restoration of the rainforest in Ecuador to help. This does not apply
It is literally a tree in the rainforest of Ecuador with your name
on. Unfortunately, customers do not get to decide how their donations
distributed. A possible place to go where your money because
Thus the project aims to reduce CO2 emissions at truck stops
would be that the driver to close in their trucks at night, rather than

Be still and know that I am God

Environmentalists say that we do not continue to spew CO2 into the air. I agree
We are the best guardians of the planet that God has given us.
But I've also read that more air comes out of the kitchen
Chinese villages and burn the gas has left the company in the world that the animals
our cars and factories. Seriously!

The answer skeptical that the world is doomed. Such talk instills fear
People and the fear is the belief in the devil. As Christians, our faith FEEL
to be in God

Be anxious for nothing!

Fear not, the Lord is with you!

Extreme positions on both sides of the aisle are none of us have ever heard
About this issue. It seems to me that there is always something
We can all do more. But I can live healthier lives
People is known to eat well, exercise and avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, but
I was hit by a truck of beer at any time. We have also
Care of this beautiful country, but when we had our race, our race over.
Heaven and earth will pass away, but the word of God will never
Jesus said. The prophecy is fulfilled. Things get worse before

Meanwhile, we, the church, have a great command
keep us busy. We will not change, debating this world through lobbying,
make propaganda films, with brief showers or carpool. Namely,
After all, that Jesus presents to do.

I love this planet. I really am, but we want to be sure to worship the Creator and
Not only was his creation.

Articles of the result Global Warming About

This is not the time to be complacent and apathetic. We need to act positively and constructively. There is pain and destruction is imminent. We must not shy away from the truth, but "An Inconvenient Truth" can be. It's time to put our shoulders to the wheel and focused with all the concentration. With global warming going to engulf us. And if we spend too much time, we really swallow. Then you walk in the dark. We can provide the biggest disaster that we saw and spoke only to fight in the exciting films remains to be established in fact. If global warming is expanding its tentacles over us, will not continue reading this article. Why humanity will die!

Understanding global warming

Global warming is a phenomenon that occurred for some time. Our blue planet hotter because of the increased volume of carbon dioxide. tons of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and nonrenewable resources such as coal, natural gas, gasoline, oil, oil shale, etc. The use of fossil fuels on a large scale began with the 16 th century Industrial Revolution in the early Great Britain and colonies of Great Britain. The Industrial Revolution witnessed the opening of the steam engine that runs on fossil fuels. But for centuries, scientists have found that gradually burning of fossil fuels is associated with high levels of air pollution. Burning of fossil fuels leads to a large percentage of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, etc., left in the atmosphere. These toxic gases have a negative impact on the climate and ecology of our planet. They also have a negative impact on our health.

Emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen in the water with the formation of corrosive acids, dissolve, damage irreparably damage the graves and palaces of marble.

Sulphur dioxide and water, sulfuric acid (very aggressive)
Nitrogen dioxide and water to nitric acid (strong corrosive acid)


Therefore, when these toxic gases in a mixture of water and form rain water, the inevitable consequence of acid rain, acid rain, such as vulgar. This acid rain can eat the surface of architectural splendor, as mentioned above. Refinery near the Taj Mahal in Agra, India released a deadly gas into the air above the mausoleum. These gases have led to the formation of acid rains, which have a devastating impact on this area was pure white marble Taj Mahal. The destruction was so great that the management of the plant will be developed by the Government of India, and environmental activists. The factory was ordered to reduce their emissions to reduce the high level of production and close some of its activities on a beautiful monument and the tomb of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal (then the name of the monument) to prevent all falls to pieces. The plant has made several attempts to methods for their production, planting trees, through the development of ecological park, which currently is home to many migratory birds and rare birds. protection, and a sincere response from the plant one of the seven wonders of the modern world of decadence, reassured the government and activists. However, environmental defenders could not sleep. We hurt hundreds of companies around the world, environmental laws and regulations in their daily lives. Measures for environmental protection should be done in the long term. environmental projects in the short term and sudden provocation "ecological systems" for the sake of advertising and image quality are desirable, nor useful. Sustainable development and environmental protection are the only weapon we have to deal with global warming.


The temperature on our planet is increasing because of global warming. The burning of fossil fuels will lead to emissions of greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide, water vapor and methane, some of the greenhouse gases are known. These gases absorb infrared radiation, and to give. Greenhouse gases tend to trap heat and raising temperatures on our planet. Thus, as a result of greenhouse gas emissions, which is our planet is always heated by an enormous size and global warming in this steady rise in temperatures and parameters of the catastrophic consequences for our planet and our lives. The hot air melts the glaciers and snowy peaks of thawing. When the heat intense, ice and snow, most of the mountain ranges around the world will melt very quickly. Melted ice and snow will enter the waters of rivers and eventually into the sea, and the unprecedented rise in sea level. Swell rivers and seas overflow and flood the country. Coste vanish, plunge whole countries. In addition to flooding, extreme weather events such as heatwaves and cold periods, floods, droughts, hurricanes and other T'ikapapa global warming.


Deforestation is another aspect that global warming, because it causes an abnormal increase in the amount of carbon dioxide. Global warming is already installed on our planet. Nevertheless, if global warming is underway, will eliminate all existing forests of our planet, and cause complete destruction of marine flora and fauna. Thus, global warming, deforestation and global warming, which, in turn, causes the causes blurred woods. What a vicious circle!

Ozone layer

The ozone layer protects the earth from ultraviolet radiation, direct and unapologetic (UV) rays of the sun is exhausted. Some gases better than chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons and CFCs or hydrobromofluorocarbons produced by our industry as we know, the food ozone. Aerosols produced various industries because of the ozone layer wear away. Ata ozone hole or depression in the ozone layer, usually a hole in the ozone layer. As the ozone hole is growing in this area, more UV rays penetrate the Earth's atmosphere as possible. Elevated levels of ultraviolet radiation in the atmosphere make our planet uninhabitable. Excessive exposure to UV radiation leads to the development of skin cancer and cataracts in humans. Excessive exposure to UV radiation also causes irreparable damage to many species of animals and plants. The consequences of this is an incurable problem in the food chain. Ozone depletion is a very contentious issue, as professionals, as well as disadvantages. Irony (w) hole in connection with the fact that ozone is a greenhouse gas. Too much is growing, and global warming is not a sufficient population, complete skin cancer outcome.


This distribution differs from the economic collapse that we have recently experienced. Although we have yet again demonstrated that the feet of decline in the autumn, we, our proven, or someone did not like and does not affect if all caps melting icecaps and glaciers in the world, and if we used these phenomena, and widespread fear of global warming.

We are ready ...?

Unfortunately, I'm not ready to face a catastrophe of this magnitude. We have divided among us, to reduce emissions in countries and to what extent. At various meetings and conferences at the highest level, we only discuss the numbers, levels and prices, and the land is ticking biological clock threatened. There is no unity among all developed countries, developing and underdeveloped countries because of global warming. Everyone agrees that global warming is a threat to universal disaster and spells destruction. But the big question: which country has jurisdiction and that the country should take the initiative to sharply reduce harmful emissions. Blame blame and Buck everywhere, and pointed accusing fingers, increasing the burden of proof, and allegations against the prosecution and it seems that on the agenda, while global warming continues to constantly engulf our planet. Developed countries are always ready to correct the pressure and intimidation in the less developed countries, as well as supporting LDCs to developed countries, the slogan of hoarseness. Mercury does not show signs of weakness. You can shoot at an alarming rate, and the policy is a step ahead of speeches, debates, heated mirrors, power and domination.

Real enemy

What the hell are we all, for all of us? Time is running out. Get up, wake up, all you dream and stop the controversy and strife. We want another disaster like what happened 65 million years, and erased all the dinosaurs on Earth? No, we want to be destroyed. And it keeps us united against a common cause? What prevents us put aside our individual problems? Because in reality we are all made from the same creator. Rather than emphasize that because we have decided to forget and focus on our differences a number of other walls that we built our country into a nation, race, state by state, race, and man by man? There is a big enemy of global warming? Enemy who is in ourselves?
The choice is ours. If we work together and make concerted efforts to avoid global warming, or let the enemy within us, to create several groups with us and beat us all. If we keep the enemy at a distance, for us, we will eventually overcome all of us. And if we, the people of 21 century living in this beautiful, middle and base enough to prefer the power and political interests should be protected, and racism, and not threaten our planet, we must win by heating in general. Because our opponents do not seem to global warming, but ourselves.

Iran is a Buy

I learned a long time ago that the best way to gather intelligence on a country is to tune into their markets.  Even boots on the ground cannot compete with thousands of locally informed investment decisions.  One can even sense pending shifts or even black swans.  I have picked off a few over the years.  The only question is always what?

For what it is worth we are approaching a bullish phase for resource stocks, although this may be at the expense of general markets and continuing unemployment woes in the US.  The USA continues to track the development of a full blown depression based economy similar to 1929 through 1932.  Failure to resolve the foreclosure crisis has hamstrung the economy and I see only fools in charge who will never give up their positions.  If anything Obama is far less prepared that Herbert Hoover.

In Iran, the money is betting that whack job and the blind mullahs cannot hold it together any longer.  The only question is what will tip it over.

I have not looked at the available stocks, but the telecommunication companies are a good place to start.  When money disappears, they can accept chickens and pay folks in chickens every day and still come out like bandits.

Iran is a Buy

By Christian A. DeHaemer | Friday, August 6th, 2010

In yet another example of why sanctions don't work, the Tehran Stock Exchange  (TSE) is booming. In fact, the TSE just hit a record high, and it remains one of the most undervalued markets on Earth.
You know the deal...
Iran has been a supporter of terrorism for the past forty years. The current president is a rabble-rouser who plays to his most conservative Islamic base. He denies the holocaust, and threatens to destroy Israel on a regular basis.
He steals elections.  His thugs in the militia beat and jail students who protested the sullied election. His judges sentence females accused of adultery to death by burying them up to the waist, and having their neighbors throw rocks at their heads.
Iran will have the bomb
On top of this, Iran is actively seeking the atomic bomb.  And in a year or two they will have it.  There is nothing to stop them from getting this weapon, just like there was nothing to stop India, Pakistan, North Korea or Israel.  But that's not going to stop the powers that be from posturing like a guinea hen.
In fact, the U.S. believes Iran is such a threat that it has built up bases and carrier groups completely surrounding the country.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mike Mullen, said last week on "Meet the Press" that the Pentagon has plans for attacking Iran and that "military actions have been on the table and remain on the table."
CIA Director Leon Panetta, in late June, appeared on ABC's "This Week" and carefully hinted at covert war options against Iran's nuclear ambitions.
And the United Nations has written a strongly-worded letter and offered up a fourth round of sanctions on high-tech and military goods. Hillary Clinton gave away who-knows-what to get the Russians on board.
It is not working
Despite all the saber rattling and jawboning, Iran remains uncowed.
In fact, judging by the stock market, Iran is doing just fine. The Tehran Stock Exchange hit an all time high on Monday and is up more than 60% this year.
Furthermore, the TSE remains ridiculously undervalued.
The average price to earnings ratio is 5.5, and the average dividend yield is 15.8%. This is the average of 337 companies listed with a total market capitalization of $70 billion.  The average.
That's incredibly cheap for the country that ranks third in the world in terms of petroleum and natural gas reserves.
In fact, the Tehran Stock Exchange's main index is up 27% since March 21 – about the time the saber rattling began.
This is because while the U.S. and Europe are trying to "put the pressure" on Iran, the leaders in the country are making it easier for foreigners to invest.
In fact, in the new sanctions there are no restrictions for foreign investors to invest in Iran. Capital gains taxes have been cut to zero.  And as far as I can tell there are no restrictions on investing in Iran.
According to Reuters the sanctions are as follows:
The U.S. effectively deprived foreign banks of access to the U.S. financial system if they do business with key Iranian banks or Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards.
And EU measures set limits on the transfer of funds into Iran, requiring any transfer of over 40,000 euros to have prior government authorization.
Despite these sanctions Iran is taking a different course than America - Iran is trending toward capitalism.  Iran will raise $12.5 billion this year by selling state firms, including two refineries.  I forget how much Bush and Obama paid for GM, AIG, Freddie, Fannie, etc.  Was it billions or trillions?
The truth is that Iran was the only country in the Middle East to hold candlelight vigils after 9/11.  The vast majority of the country (two-thirds, or some 50 million people), is under the age of 30.  They do not remember the Islamic revolution in the 1970s, nor do they care.
They want what we all want: peace, prosperity and freedom.  And they will get it along with the bomb.
Despite what you may have heard, the atomic bomb has brought more peace for longer than any other item, thing or philosophy in history.  In ancient Rome, the doors to the Temple of Janus were closed when Rome was at peace.  They were closed on five occasions for a total of twelve years. 
And as an aside, the Samurai sword killed far more people in WWII than the atomic bomb did.  And the Roman short sword, or gladius, has killed more people than any weapon ever devised.
My point is that Pakistan and India used to go up 16,000 feet in the Hindu Kush and lob artillery shells at each other in the dead of winter.  They were arguing over a boundary line in a piece of territory that no one could ever use or inhabit.
Since they both got the bomb all they do is strut at the border like chickens. 
 Don’t get me wrong, there are obvious political risks to investing in Iran.  But right now there is tremendous upside.  The more sanctions you put on the country the more they will pull their money back home.  The political situation can’t be worse, so it will likely get better.  They will find a Mikhail Gorbachev.  Oil and gas will not get cheaper.  No one can beat a diversified 15% dividend yield.
If I can find a way in I’m betting on Iran.  I’m currently looking into ways to invest.  I’m rounding up my contacts as we speak (if you know anyone who can buy Iranian stocks drop me a line).
The only way I know how to play it is indirectly by buying the Wisdom Tree Middle East ETF (NASDAQ: GULF), which I told you was a buy last week.  GULF is far from a pure play however. 
I’ll find a way sooner or later.  And as I wait, I’ll be happy knowing my other frontier market, Mongolia, has given my readers 727% gains in six months.  The best way to make the most money in stocks is to get there first with the most.  I've done it in South Africa, Libya, and Mongolia.  I’ll do it in Iran as well.
Keep in touch,
Christian DeHaemer